Commodore Anil Jai Singh (Retd).  is a veteran submariner. He served in the Indian Navy for over three decades and took premature retirement in March 2011.  He is the Vice President of the Indian Maritime Foundation, and an Honorary Adjunct Fellow of the National Maritime Foundation. He is also a member of the Governing Body of the Society for Inian Ocean Studies and a Member of the Defence Audit Advisory Board. He has also been the Co-Chairman of the National Defence and Aerospace Committee of ASSOCHAM, a leading industry association.  He takes keen interest in matters maritime and military and focusses on the maritime domain, the Indo-Pacific, defence procurement, indigenisation and capability assessment and is a member of leading think tanks.  He has also been a member of Track 1.5 expert groups on maritime security related issues of IORA, EAS, BIMSTEC and others including the Australia-India-France trilateral and the recent Indian UK Roadmap 2030.