Submission Guidelines

Home Submission Guidelines

Thank you for your interest to submit work to FGS. We request you to the follow the below guidelines to enable us to showcase your work to reach our global audience.

  • All submissions must be the writer’s original work and must not have appeared on other platforms.
  • All submissions should be written in English and properly punctuated.
  • Kindly you hyperlink rather than footnotes or endnotes to cite sources.
  • Commentaries and analyses are expected to be well informed and contribute towards a significant issue.

Commentaries can typically range from 500 – 800 words while research articles exploring issues in greater depth can be up to 1500 words. Kindly submit the work through email with subject stated as ‘Submission for FGS’ in the subject header. Please submit .doc or .docx instead of .pdf or any other formats. Lastly, please provide a brief biography (2-3 lines) and social media account links to enable the interest readers reach out to you. We appreciate the effort put into producing a paper, but we ask you to understand there are often numerous reasons why we chose not to proceed with a piece.  Articles/commentaries for consideration can be emailed to us at
