Prof. Cássio Eduardo Zen
Cássio Eduardo Zen is a Professor of International Law, Legal History and Human Rights in Faculdade de Pinhais, Pinhais (Brazil). He holds PhD in International Law (Doutorado em Direito Internacional) from University of São Paulo (Universidade de São Paulo), Brazil. He gave lectures at different Brazilian and foreign universities, was an invited researcher at University of Leiden (Universiteit Leiden) in the Netherlands, an invited researcher at Milan State University (Università degli Studi di Milano). Finally, Professor Cássio worked at the International Criminal Court (Office of the Prosecutor) and at the United Nations Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (Assistant Counsel). He a researcher at University of São Paulo BRICS research group (GEBRICS-USP) and he is a researcher and member of the directive board from University of São Paulo Research Group on International Protection of Minorities (GEPIM-USP).