Prof. Dr. Teddy Mantoro, SMIEEE is the Director of School of Computer Science, Nusa Putra University, West Java, Indonesia. His PhD was awarded from the School of Computer Science, Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, Australia and MSc from Department of Computer Science, School of Advanced Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok. His research interests focus on Intelligent Environment, pervasive/ubiquitous computing, context aware computing, mobile computing, information security, and wireless sensor network. He has published more than 230 conference/journal papers (216 papers in Scopus, h-index=15), 4 CS books and more than 20-chapter books which published in USA, Indonesia, Malaysia and Germany. In 2013, he served on committees and review boards for more than 30 International conferences. He is also a Senior Member of IEEE and he was the managing editor for the International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC).