Current Issue


Paper Submission Guide


1. General Requirements

1.1 Language and Numbers

Please write your text in proper English; American or British usage is accepted; however, consistency must be maintained throughout the paper.

1.2 Length of Paper

Papers between 4500 and 8000 words are preferred.

1.3 Font size and style

Please use Font size 12, Times New Roman, 1.5 Spacing

2. Title Page

To ensure the integrity of the peer review process, every effort should be made to prevent the identities of the authors and reviewers from being known to each other. When submitting, you should email two Word files: 1) a title page with author details (names and affiliation) 2) main manuscript with author’s identities removed.

3. Preparation of Text

Manuscripts should be organized in the following order: Title; abstract; keywords (indexing terms, normally three-to-six items); introduction; discussion; conclusion; acknowledgements; references.

4. Citation and Referencing

Citations in the text and reference list should follow the referencing style of APA Referencing Style (7th Edition). However, the first issue will be the format-free Submission

Email: All manuscripts to

Note: There will be no submission fees for the (October – December 2022) issue.


Call for Papers (October – December 2022)

Last Date of Submission for First Quarterly Issue: [October-December] 15 May – 2022; Notification of Acceptance: 20 October 2022; Publishing Date: 2nd November 2022.

Theme: Conflict and International Negotiation


1. Territorial conflict and geopolitical fallouts

2. Hybrid warfare and conflict resolution

3. Energy and interdependence

4. Leadership and ideology
