The New Masculine Saviors of Global Politics

The macho and strapping crop of current global politics gasconades many political leaders with their alpha-masculine demeanor. In human history, irrespective of territories, men have been portrayed as the saviors of society, reflecting truly in all walks of life. Our current global politics is no exception. We see the new demiurges with bare chest and alpha walk bragging their virile, laddish body and making sensational and simmering photo shoots in the front line media.

Probably, this sounds cool and palatable to our docile, well-infused, patriarchy dominated society and politics in general. However, this poses a serious question to our current global politics, which envisions a world with peace and equal gender participation but caters for a virulent array of political leaders with typical manhood in head and their humongous acceptance. A lifetime meta-narrative that the desirability of man is determined by his credibility of protecting and tackling crisis not only generates a vicious, power-driven galaxy of political leaders and the threat of gender inequality but also exhibits and institutes power and violence as the new normal in the current global politics. Political leaders intoxicated with manly looks and stereotypes are countless in modern times. With their self-love and grandiosity, leaders make a classic example of “The Superman Syndrome” in the current global politics. In the sociology of dialectic and power -binary of gender, manmade institutions like religion, patriarchy and modern conduits like schools, literature, and family in the Foucauldian discourse assert, reinforce, and establish the power and gender inequality in any power structure. After two devastating wars that the world witnessed, with the naked demonstration of masculinity against women and innumerable war crimes, the current crop of these leaders subtly uses institutes, literature and media as the modern mediums of hegemony where consent for power and acceptance for such leaders go undeterred. In the contemporary world, when equality, justice, and peace are advertised on a daily basis, sadly, the current politics remains only a tale of political decadence where power, masculinity is the new dove of global politics.
